Choosing a Medical Bed

If you have ever been in hospital then you will know just how uncomfortable the beds can be. That is why when a medical facility considers their patients when choosing a medical bed it can be a great relief and comfort. This can, of course, rapidly increase the healing process too. When choosing a medical bed, ensure it is not too soft or too hard. Getting just the right amount of firmness is extremely important, not just in terms of patient comfort, but in terms of prolonging its existence too. Sleeping on a very hard bed when you are used to a soft mattress, can mean many sleepless nights in the hospital. The body uses sleep to repair and heal itself, so a lack of sleep can impede the healing progress too.

Choosing a Medical Bed

Will any bed be suitable?

Choosing a medical bed is not the same as choosing a bed for your home. There are many different factors that need to be taken into consideration. Some of these include, durability, highly constructed in a quality design, maneuverability and adjustability. Choosing a medical bed that is a little wider than the average bed is also important to accommodate larger patients.

Durability & quality

Choosing a medical bed is a decision that will need to stand the test of time. Therefore, finding a bed that is high in quality will make it durable as well. Most medical beds are made from firm steel construction and are reinforced to withstand large weights. This has to be so as there is an increase in the amount of people with morbid obesity and if the bed was made of flimsy material, or even wood in some cases, there is the real danger of collapse. The high quality metal construction, together with the design that strengthens it, is practical and aesthetically pleasing. The design should also include side rails, or guard rails that can easily be put in place to prevent patients falling from the bed.

Adjustability & maneuverability

When choosing a medical bed look out for models that have at least some electrical circuitry. This will allow the bed to have more flexibility and be more comfortable for a patient. Electrical adjustability can adjust a bed to allow a patient to have a better view, or to raise the head area in cases of chest problems, enabling better breathing. Choosing a medical bed with castors allows a bed to moved around whenever necessary. This may be important in a medical ward when moving a patient into a separate area. Clearly, the castors will be fitted with a brake to ensure the bed does not roll away.

Most hospitals favor the electrical medical beds as this can make the life of nurses and other medical personnel so much easier. Previously they would have to adjust the beds manually, which can be quite difficult, especially if your patient is heavy and you have to raise the head of the bed with the patient still in it. That said most beds still have a manual option too in the event the electricity supply is adversely affected.